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I will hold you in my heart until i can hold you in my arms.

Monday, February 28, 2011

This doesnt even feel like falling

These days, i have been all about slicking my hair back and am totally, without a doubt obsessed with headbands. I've been wearing them around, even when im at home and have been buying a whole new collection. I reckon they accentuate my round defined cheeks pretty well. I guess i am into all shades of colours and stumbled upon many fashion tips online to be daring with colours and play with them. Well, im not certain i have played it well though. 

On a higher note, life has been exhausting and i reckon no amount of sleep are able to make up for the times that i worked my ass off at work. I never knew how tiring work can be until i had secured a job. But with great companies all the way through, its so easy to forget the pain in my back and even the small injuries on my hand. And my love life is beyond great as well. I guess everything is lovely now<3.

Moving on, in your life, you meet people. Some you never think about again. Some, you wonder what happened to them because its been awhile since you last heard from them. And then, there are some that you wonder if they ever think about you. Then there are some you wish you never had to think about. But you do. And that, to sum it up with words, is how i feel about you. If we were not meant to give things another try, our paths and thoughts would not keep crossing, and we would not keep tripping over our feelings for each other.


Saturday, February 19, 2011

Black black black and blue

Holding on, the days dragged on,
stupid girl, i should have known,
this aint a fairytale.


Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Fell seven times, stand up eight

Pardon me for the lack of updates. Work has been occupying my time and i dont remember when was the last time i had spent a whole day at home, just doing nothing. So i was early for work last week and decided to hop on 174 instead of 157 or any other bus. I guess i was too early and the bus never came while i was there so i took my own sweet time to walk up to station. Its a long 10 minutes whenever im late but it was particularly a slow 10 minutes. It seems to short. I was the only one standing, everyone faces were too vacant with apparent mission to avoid body contact with anyone even. Everyone was rushing, passing by me ever so quickly. For obvious reasons i was alone, with only music as my companion. I keep looping taylor swift and bruno mars and maria mena these days. I reckon they're strangely calming. I arrived at my workplace at 0925 and work doesnt start until 1000. I decided to let my feet walk a little more and then sat on the bench watching people scurrying away to catch the bus before the door closes. I did this for a few times. Then i stood up, turn on the music volume and head off to work.

So there has been an issue on facebook about how its sinful for muslims to be celebrating Valentines yesterday. Frankly, i didnt know about it. And OMG so many were wallowing themselves in self-pity. I mean, dont have a date? So what STOP MAKING IT AN ISSUE. Sorry if i came out rude.

Well we didnt really went out in the name of Valentines but it was a great night after all<3
