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I will hold you in my heart until i can hold you in my arms.

Monday, January 17, 2011

I'll wear your pearls

Our initial plan was to meet at 1:45pm but some trivial matter came up that eventually became not so minor anymore. So it became 2:30pm. But apparently another not-so-major thing came up and he had to take the train to CCK to do something-im-not-so-sure-of. And i was sitting all alone with an old lady who kept talking to me in her language as if i were her friend. I swear she was not keeping me sane. Its a good thing that the public faces were vacant so hardly anyone noticed. Walked through the same path over and over again. Pass macdonald. Pass the train station. Pass subway. Pass M1. Pass rockery. Pass all of westmall. Finally he called and we found a comfy spot and chilled and talked and slept and shared banana split and...he's off to work. Let my little feet to explore hidden parts of s'pore. Waited 2 long hours for R. When she finally came it was already 15 minutes past 6pm and after few minutes of deliberating we decided to spend our friday night walking aimlessly at shopping malls. Going any place is the same when im with her <33 And finally home at 11(plus)pm.

So last friday was all about the HEHEHE and the HAHAHA and oh lets not forget about the YUUUUUUCCK part.